Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Blessings 2009 Dec 12

I cannot believe that it has been July since I added to my blog. Where in the world does the time go? I have no earthly idea. But the season draws my attention to all the blessings in my life. What better way to share my reflections than through this blog.

What joy has filled our family. Our grandchildren doubled with the arrival of two adorable twin girls in October. Our little boys better take advantage of every moment they have until these little spit fires grow up and make their own mark in life. My children continue to amaze me over and over again. Timmy teaching and Elisha getting her Master's, Blake still devoted to fire fighting and Katrina making her mark in the nursing field. I have been truly blessed. Benny and I continue taking one step at a time, enjoying time with family and friends.

We wish everyone a blessed and joyous Christmas with a future of a bright new year ahead.

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